Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Vacation cultural notes

Just a couple of quick observations before we get home and I totally forget them:

1) There is a LOT more cigarette smoking here than we usually see at home. I see plenty of vaping at home, less here as a proportion of total smokers

2) Public spaces, and especially parks, are for all and are used by all. If you go to a little neighborhood square, you're every bit as likely to see mostly adults as you are to see kids running around. Larger parks look like the stereotypical college quad in a movie: blankets everywhere; people picnicking, singing, playing games, eating dinner alone enjoying the fresh air; pick-up "volleyball;" intense conversations; surprise meet-ups. It's very energetic and social.

3) Most of the dogs we've seen are exceptionally chill. Of the hundreds of dogs we've encountered, I saw a pair barking at another dog in a pedestrian-only street. They are just used to other people, cars, and activity.

4) I'm guessing it's because most urban homes are smallish and because it's been inhospitably cold for a long time, but there are lots of people hanging out on their stoops working, eating, just connecting with the people, activity, and warmth outdoors. It reminds me of the stay-home orders during the early days of the pandemic: We met more neighbors who were out on their porch than we'd ever seen before (or since). 

5) People very neatly line up to get onto buses. There have been a couple of "cutters" who nonchalantly meandered into the already-existing queues, but I know that in many places, it's just an elbowing game to get on and get a seat. No one is lining up to use the metro, but they're still pretty polite and now that James is using a cane, if there are no available seats, people unfailingly get up for him. They've done the same for Mal and have tried for me, too. 

6) There is tons of bike infrastructure here. It's awesome. Also, the pedestrian/crosswalk lights at many intersections often turn "green" before the traffic lights turn. And in really busy areas, the green light flashes a few times before turning yellow. Just a little extra warning.

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