Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Mal is Obviously An Adult

He informed me about this the other day.

He can get to the sugar all by himself. (It took a couple of days between the time he told me about this and my chance to see how he manages...his approach is pretty top-notch, except that it leaves "extra" sugar scattered everywhere...he still doesn't get how you clean up spills. His version involves pushing a towel around in the general vicinity. He gets the basic idea is that something needs to be done. He just isn't sure what).

When he wants snacks, he's perfectly capable of
  • fetching the packages himself
  • finding the scissors
  • cutting the packages open
The cutting may or may not involve slicing things like our table cloth because he's still clumsy with the scissors.

I haven't had a chance to observe that directly. Laura said it's probably more due to D slicing and dicing art projects, which is perfectly fine also.

As long as thumbs aren't getting sliced off, it's all good. Right?

But I've gotten distracted.

My main point is that since Mal's birthday party, he's switched gears. He hasn't actually gotten all that much more self-sufficient than he was 2 weeks ago. But he's decided that he should be.

(Within reasonable limits: he's bound and determined that he'll never brush his own teeth).

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