Saturday, March 12, 2022

Shopping Trip with Mal

Indeed is a great company to work for. They offer unlimited PTO, and they make a big deal out of meaning it. Once they sent everyone to work from home a couple of years ago, they decided that we weren't taking enough time off. So they started giving us one Friday off every month.

They haven't stopped.

Feb 18 was one of those days.

Early on, I promised Laura a day to get away. She's needed one for a long time. If I wrote that she "deserved" it, it would belittle just how hard she works to keep this household working. I took responsibility for Mal and the dog, and she got to do whatever she wanted. I think she drove to south Austin to hang out with her sister. I'm sad to realize that I'm still not sure.

After we agreed to this, I wound up with a busy day.

A few weeks before this, I ordered some natural hydraulic lime. It's kinda/sorta like old-school cement. Ancient buildings used it for mortar. Once it's fully cured, it basically turns into limestone. It may not be quite as strong as concrete (I'm not sure I've ever run across any official lab test results), but everything I've read claims that it can heal if your building shifts and makes it crack.

One of its most important features is that it "breathes." This is really important if you're building something out of natural materials, like straw or earth.

One way or another, water will get into your walls. If you cover them with a layer of cement, the water is trapped inside. It starts doing all the awful things that water does to things like straw (mildew) or earth (turning your sturdy walls into mud).

On the 11th, I got a notice that my lime had arrived. I figured I would just pick it up that weekend. But the store is only open during the week.

I tried to find time during the next week to get away to pick it up, but the store is on the other side of the city. And my little car isn't up to hauling half a ton of powdered limestone. The suspension *might* be able to handle it (I doubt it), but it doesn't have that much space in the trunk.

So Mal and I got up, wished Laura a good day, harnessed up the dog, and headed out around 11:00.

We started by going to Home Depot to rent a pickup. Luckily, they had a couple. After we rented it, Mal wanted to look at light fixtures. I tried to keep a firm grasp on the basic fact that I was going to spend a lot of money on this rental. A few minutes here and there to improve my relationship with either my kid or my dog was not going to add a significant amount to that.

light fixtures

I don't know if it would fit us or the house we want, but I think the silly looping one is pretty neat. I'd really want to learn a lot more about changing the "bulbs" before I bought something like that.

I also grabbed a few 2x4s. My plan was to build the door/window frame out of them, but I'd double-guessing myself now. After all, that part will wind up embedded in the cob. If it rots, it will be a lot of work to replace.

Luke was great, at the store by the way. He's so much better than he was when we started taking him places like this.

Once we found the lighting aisle, Mal was content. So we headed out to the pickup.

The one we got was fairly sweet. Mal was revolted by the smell (cigarette residue) but luxuriated in the leather(?) seats. Luke seemed happier than he is on most car rides, even though he had less room than usual. Maybe he feels happier when his people are squinched in together?

I immediately had fond memories of solid pickups with towing capacity. It was pretty neat to be sitting up above other cars and being able to see over them. And to have them actually getting out of my way when I signalled that I wanted to change lanes (though Austin is still a lot better about that than most cities, even in my little Fiat). I got a kick out of having an engine that's powerful enough that it didn't strain going uphill.

By the time we got to our first stop at Ecowise to pick up the lime, Mal really needed to pee. And he was really hungry. The parking lot was really confusing. It was almost like this used to be a strip mall, once upon a time. Now there's a ring of shops with hard-to-see signs hiding behind some front store. It all looks kind of shady. Maybe because they're all things like environmentally friendly building material stores hiding in Texas? I don't know, but it was weird.

According to Waze, there was a McDonald's really close by. I figured that Mal could go to the bathroom at Ecowise, then we'd hit up McDonald's.

It turns out that Ecowise isn't so much a store as a distribution center. I think. There were books in the entryway. Under other circumstances, I'd have been tempted to browse.

Laura had requested that I take Luke into the store with me, because he freaks out when he's left alone inside the car. I jokingly told her that I was planning to just leave him there with Mal, but that's what happened because Mal didn't want to get out.

As soon as I told the guy what I was there for, he hustled me to the closed "shop" next door, opened the garage door, and headed for the pallet full of lime. He asked me how I wanted to handle it. Maybe we could both take a bag at a time?

I really should have taken him up on that. I did at first, but then it just seemed like a waste of time. When I got home that night, I saw that he'd sent me an email explaining that he'd injured his shoulder. I felt really bad that he'd helped me load anyway.

But then I got worried about the dog and the kid in the car, so I started rushing things and grabbing bags myself. And so did the nice guy (Jim Holland) who was helping me.

After we got done, a big portion of that pallet of lime was left. He warned me that he might need my help pushing it back uphill and into the warehouse. I was confused, but agreed. He managed it.

When I got home that night (really, really sore from all the work), I found an email from him that morning. He'd messed up his shoulder and was asking for help.

I feel awful for not insisting that he sit out everything he legally could and let me load my truck myself. I really feel like he was trying to help he expedite things because it was obvious that I was paying for my transportation by the hour.

After we left there, we headed to the McDonald's for Mal.

This was one of the most confusing McDonald's ever.

First of all, I didn't believe they had a lobby at all. We wouldn't have gone in, but Mal needed to pee desperately. It was one of those places where you need a key to get into the bathroom. Some guy went in right before us.

We waited.

I left Mal to wait some more while I got in line to order food.

While I was still in line, Mal showed up to tell me that he'd watched someone else go in, and the first guy had just disappeared.

I still don't know what happened. But Mal finally got to pee.

And we finally got our food.

At this point, Luke was restless. I walked him around the McDonald's/gas station parking lot while I ate.

Some homeless guy wandered by with his dog. I asked his permission for Luke to say "hi." They did. The homeless guy thanked me for it. I'm not sure why. Maybe he was just surprised that I treated him like a normal human being?

Shortly after that, we all managed to load back up and head about another half mile up the road to Dakota Hardwoods.

I wanted to buy wood for a door and window.

When I researched the woods to use for this, teak showed up first. And then mahogany. Maybe white oak is an acceptable substitute, since the other two are probably too expensive. The thickest white oak they sell is nominally 1", so probably about 3/4" for real. I have part of one board of it, and it wouldn't make a very substantial door. You have to ask the salesperson for the current price. When we got there, I did.

It was weird to go inside their store and interact with another human being.

I'm sure I have these numbers wrong, but the basic idea was that teak is around $36 a board foot. The white oak was nearly $10. 1.5" thick mahogany was something like $9.30. The 2" was $9.60.

I got the 2 inch. The boards are about 12 feet long. They're really freaking heavy.

wood and lime

We spent a lot of time waiting for the boards to get delivered. I wandered around the parking lot with Luke. Mal got really bored.

He complained about how long it had taken all the way home. He insisted that he's never taking up any hobbies like this, because it's far too much work. He's just going to manage his restaurant. Which, based on his vast experience from watching Sponge Bob, is super easy.

Laura beat us home.

I unloaded quickly and headed to Sun Hardware to buy eight wooden pallets. At first, he wanted $3 each. When I pulled out the credit card, he told me he'd take $20 cash. I think I had $16, so he went for that.

Then I drove to the feed store in Cedar Park to grab some straw. I was actually planning to browse and see what they had that was worthwhile, after sitting out in the rain probably all winter. But I got there as they were closing. A couple of teenagers loaded me up while I paid.

straw bales in pickup

They sat here for a couple of days. It probably made Laura crazy.

pallets next to straw

Then I took the pickup back. They asked me to gas it up across the street before I dropped it off. I did, and that's when I remembered why our Fiats are so awesome. I'd burned about 9 gallons of gas. When I used to commute, I'd go through that much in about a week and a half. I did put on quite a few more miles than a regular day's commute, but most of them were on the highway with relatively light traffic.

I had something else going on the next day, so it was actually Sunday before I was able to put everything in better places.

six straw bales under a tarp in the woods
8 more bales under another tarp
mahogany on pallets between fence and pigeon loft

I didn't get a picture of the lime when I stored it under our house. I sealed those up in trash bags and stowed them under the house on 2x4s.

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