Monday, June 17, 2024

First Summer Camp!

Yesterday, we dropped Mal off for his first week at summer camp! D went to almost-week-long gymnastics camps for several years, and to long-weekend worship camps. They were much younger than Mal when they started attending summer programs, but it just came up for Mal this year.

Honestly, I think Mal got the idea to do camp because of the SpongeBob show "Kamp Koral." I know this Texas over-water camp will be nothing like that, but I do hope he enjoys it! He initially picked a music camp in New Mexico which would have taken us 18 hours to reach! Eventually, I talked him into somewhere closer, knowing it would be SO HOT, but telling him that it would be a good idea to make sure he loved camp before he went so far away from home.

He was EXCITED to go and dumped us the second he got cleared from his lice check.

We oopsied it, and I'm glad we live so close because one of the counselors texted me and asked if we could drop by a pair of closed-toed shoes. I'd meant to pack Mal's sneakers, and that's the one thing I forgot! Well, that and headphones. Hopefully nothing is too loud, but if it is, that's someone else's problem for a few days.

In the meantime, I've been doing loads of relaxing stuff like power-washing our front walk, scrubbing both bathroom floors, cooking for the family, washing our linens, and getting my car inspected. You know, vacation stuff! And tomorrow, I'm getting a tooth fixed! (My old amalgam filling is cracking my tooth, so they're going to dig it out and put a cap on it.) I'm actually very glad that I was able to schedule that for when Mal's not here. I know he's fine when I'm out and about, but I still prefer to be in the vicinity unless James is able to be the "default parent" for a bit.

James and I might go to Rosa's tomorrow night for Taco Tuesday, though. We've meant to several times in the past and we just forget about it until after I've already eaten. Whoopsie. 

I don't have anything on the schedule for Wednesday yet, but Thursday, my sister and I are going up to see our parents. I don't think we've gone sans kids to visit them in years. Good times.

Okay, I'm going to indulge and give myself a "manicure" (nail stickers) now! 

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