Wednesday, October 23, 2013

This is a quote from "The Lottery of Birth" and I love it, but can't post it on Facebook because it will be taken as an attack. Still, I want to remember it:

"If you have a society, it's going to have certain roles and certain positions available. That's just inevitably the case. That'll be true forever, as long as we have societies. So, education you can view in one of two ways: You can say that education is this process by which people arrive at the capacity to use their skills and talents maximally and enrich their lives and so on -- a positive view of education. Alternatively, you can say education is a process which prepares people to fit positions in society. It gives them the information and the attitudes, the personalities, the inclinations, the expectations that are consistent with the positions that they are going to fill in society. 

"Now, actually, the second is inevitable, but you want the first. So to have the first, it must be that the positions that people are going to have in society need for people to be their most fulfilled and accomplished and capable selves. But that's not the case for typical societal structures that we now have. So the school system has to teach you to endure boredom. It has to teach you to take orders and to obey. And so that's what it does for 80%.

"So there's a contradiction between fitting the slot and being the best you can be, so to speak. To have good education, to have liberating education, society has to have slots that are for free people, that are for initiating and caring human beings."

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