We moved!
That might be understating it.
I got married! We're officially a new family! AND we moved!
Going from the 300 square feet of RV to which I'd grown accustomed to over the past two years to 1100 square feet, and from two separate residences worth of "stuff" (in all truth, James had enough stuff for about 4 people) to one, and the weeks and weeks (adding up to a month) of unpacking, and planning a super small, uber-quiet (which is totally against my grain!) wedding has been an adventure!
And, honestly, I'm glad those parts of the adventure are over. I'm ready to start our new adventures together. (As I write this, it's still pre-wedding, so I *am* looking forward to that. It's going to be a fun day!)
We're no longer living in a van down by the river, but we are living in a small house near the very heart of Austin. I won't tell you where, specifically, because I don't want you showing up unannounced like the myriad of homeless people we have the privilege of meeting (and I mean that in all sincerity; it's another part of the adventure that is going to be awesome), but we're somewhere along the border of the UT campus and downtown.
There are a million restaurants (perhaps this is overstatement, but only a tad), a giant greenbelt park, grocery stores (local and chains), and businesses within easy walking distance, and SoCo and Zilker Park within easy biking or "I felt like taking a hike today, anyway" distance.
The house we're renting was built in the 1920s and, characteristic of that age, does not have much closet space. When I say "not much," I mean there is a tiny coat closet in the master bedroom and an even tinier linen closet in the bathroom.
Wait. How about this. Want a tour? Here are some pictures I took on our overcast move-in day.
Aish manning the front window, with our super awesome porch in the background.
The living and dining area.
The awesome mantle/built-ins in the living room.
One fun little bathroom for three people. And cats.
This allows our guests to peruse the "medicine cabinet" with impunity.
The generous shelving provided in the kitchen means that we have not one, not two, but three baker's racks! The first is for pots, pans, and small appliances.
The open pantry. I really love it!
The master bedroom, with awesome windows!
This is my "closet." James has one for his clothes, too. He went into this with more clothes than I have, but now I think we're about even.
Daphne's room. She has the same kind of closet system that we do. Not the greatest view, but lots of light, and her room is so much fun.
So, that's the tour! Thanks for changing your bookmarks and subscribing over here. There is cool stuff to come, so stay tuned!