Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Living and Learning

Mal had such a hard day today, but this was adorable: He'd fallen asleep on our walk back from the mailbox, so I laid him on the couch and he slept for maybe 15 minutes.

The last thing that had happened before we left the apartment for the mail was that our downstairs neighbor came home from work. Her little dog was VERY excited, and barking a lot, then she took him out for a relief walk, and he barked all around the back of our apartment. Mal heard the dog and mimicked his bark. So I repeated it. Then Mal said, "Dah!" So I said, "Dog." We barked and said "dog" back and forth maybe a dozen times, then left for the post.

When Mal woke up from his nap, he sat up and was doing something with his hand that looked like snapping. Then he barked. He knows the sign for dog! I was doing it when we were saying "dog' and barking, and even though he didn't attempt it or repeat it then, he remembered it! :D

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