Saturday, August 8, 2015

Review: Taco Bell's Cap'n Crunch Delights

When I saw these on the interwebs, I knew I had to try.

The response from my Facebook friends was mixed, but pretty much either in the "These are awesome!" camp or on the "Yuck! I'd rather eat a skunk tail" side.

Which made me want to try them even more.

So, first, here's the ad:

Here is how they're described on Taco Bell's website: "The new Cap'n Crunch™ Delights™ are warm, light pastries, coated with fruityCap'n Crunch's Crunch Berries™ cereal and filled with creamy, sweet milk icing."

So now you know.

Now here's my experience with them.

First a caveat: These might look and taste much better freshly fried at the store. I had to drive mine home, so they spent about half an hour in the car.

We got a 4-pack, which is just under two bucks, which means we are looking at about $.50 per... uh, ball... for lack of a better word.

Here we go!

Hmm... the ground cereal doesn't really show too well on the red dough. Maybe it's just a bad angle or bad light? I moved them to an area with more natural light.

Uck. Not much better. Still doesn't look too appetizing. The colors just get lost in the glaze and the red. This might be different when they're fresher.

Time to taste one!

Well, then. It looked like my drive home had caused the icing to absorb up into the pastry. So, no real milky icing to report.

However, it tasted good. It didn't have a Cap'n Crunch taste, though. It tasted like a doughnut hole that had been rolled in any kind of sugar or cookie or something vaguely sweet but random. Good, but not proprietarily-flavored, as far as I was concerned.

The second one I tried fared better in the filling department. And I stood by a window to take its picture, so you could actually see it.

There ya go.

Again, good. Tasty. Like a doughnut hole. No biggie. Not disgusting. Stirred no particular opinion either way. James said something about how it wasn't horrible. It might be a weird choice for Taco Bell, though, as I don't really see a tie between its cuisine and doughnut holes, but that's probably why I'm not in charge of their marketing.

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