Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Bachelorhood, Day 2

Laura took Mal left me and D to fend for ourselves.

It's utter chaos, and we're starving, of course.

She left us with a bunch of instant meals. They burned in the fire.

Then raccoons sneaked through the broken windows and stole the toilet paper.

We didn't notice because we were too busy huddling together for warmth.

There's only one cat (Carol, of course...the pigeons ate Rudy, and the less said about Aish's fate the better) left alive, and I'm going to have to do the dishes so I can feed her in the morning.

She somehow managed to save *her* food.

1 comment:

  1. It's a good thing I didn't read this when I was gone, or I would have been so terribly worried. In fact, I probably would have been too devastated to see the wreckage and would have taken advantage of the offer to extend my stay for only $79 per night.


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