A lot of my sock have holes in them. Not tears, but actual holes. Places that have broken apart before, and I've sewed them, and a micrometer to one side or the other, they've burst open again. They're pretty old. I should replace them. But I don't. Why?
The other day, I was getting dressed when I dropped something. I leaned over to pick it up and James said, "Wait a minute... there's something..." and walked over to me to see what was going on with my drawers. I already knew. "It's a hole," I said. "Remember I told you I needed to buy some more?" WHY DON'T I?
This happened a few years ago when all of our towels were unraveled and messy; but they still did the thing, which is drying us off. It was a trial for me to bite the bullet and just get new towel sets.
We are not poverty-stricken. But James and I both grew up in homes where we didn't have much extra beyond what we needed. I hadn't thought about how that might affect my attitudes toward replacing daily-use items until he mentioned it this weekend. I'd asked, "I don't know how rich I'd have to be before I stopped feeling icky about spending money." He said he didn't think either of us would ever feel that way and tied it to our respective youths. He's probably right.
Here is a holeless sock. Is it monogrammed for me?? |
Edited 1/20/24 to add: Also, James's car's trunk handle is broken so to get into the trunk, we have to pull down the seats inside the car. And my car's driver side door handle is broken, so to get out, I have to roll down the window and open the door from the outside. WHY don't we get these things fixed? Just feels like a lot of work! And expense. And we are working around it, so... *shrug*