Tuesday, September 10, 2024

A decade ago...

 James took this video of me on September 7, 2014 (and for the record, I can rotate videos now!):

I guess I was maybe having Braxton Hicks contractions? I don't remember this at all, but I do remember that we were still A FULL 2.5 WEEKS AWAY FROM DELIVERY.

I don't know whether you've been around long but for you newbies, I'll tell you that I was pregnant for 42 weeks and 6 days. The last month was just crazy. I kept going in to see the midwife and she'd look into my eyes and say, "You don't have 'the look' yet. You're not close." 

Anyhoo, I will be on vacation for Mal's birthday and might not have a chance to pontificate here about how the past decade has been one of the most challenging and delightful of my life. Having a kid in your 40s is no joke, and having a kid who is as emotionally complex as Mal at all is also quite the parenting honing adventure!

I'm pleased to say that Malcolm has changed from a constantly-crying baby to an easily-upset toddler and into an incredibly sensitive, clever, and fun-loving kid I'm so happy to have as the second child I never knew that I wanted.

Ha ha... I assumed these pictures would upload in chronological order but they did not! So enjoy some randomly-placed photos of my sweet almost-10-year-old!

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