Friday, August 9, 2019

Mass Shootings and Gun Rights

Last weekend, 31 people were slaughtered in 2 separate (and probably unrelated) mass shootings.

The "really" nasty one was pretty cut and dried. Some asshole in Texas decided to do something about all the brown people who are "corrupting" "our" country, drove around 10 hours to El Paso, and then shot up a Wal-Mart because it had a bathroom available.

Laura tells me that there were several people there with concealed carry licenses, along with their handguns.

I'll be honest: If I happened to be carrying a handgun (no comment), and if I heard gunshots happening...I honestly don't know what I'd do.

Before I got married and had a couple of kids, that would have been easy. Of *course* the answer was "Take that fucker down hard, now."

I have an advantage there: my skin is very pale, so the cops probably wouldn't have murdered me for being armed when they showed up.

The "problem" (from a conservative gun-owner stance) here is that liberals want to add more restrictions to firearm ownership.

From an asshole-douchebag stance, so does President Trump.

He wants to do something to keep guns out of the hands of the "crazies."

That's valid.

If you're the sort of person who's willing to walk into a Wal-Mart (or a nightclub) and shoot the fuck out of're probably insane.

But tarring everyone else with that same brush simply is not fair.

If you can come up with a way to generally identify white supremacists and keep weapons out of their hands, that seems reasonable.

If you can find a reasonable way to spot check violent assholes and people who are on the verge of suicide...saving lives is obviously a good thing.

How are you going to do that?

How do you identify the real threats?

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