Tuesday, April 2, 2019

April is Upon Us

Hey, guys, what's up?

Today's been kind of a slow one for us. Mal had the MMR vaccination last week and it hit him hard yesterday afternoon and today.

Mal wanted to go to Chuck E. Cheese yesterday, and he burst into tears right before we got there because he saw Dave and Buster's and decided he wanted to go there instead (alas, D&B didn't send me a coupon, and CEC did, so...). Mal ended up having fun, but abruptly announced, "I'm tired of playing games. I want to go home and watch TV and drink soda."

Exhausted kid.
Last night, he did get out and play at the park. But he was ready to go to sleep around 10 PM, which is about an hour earlier than usual. This morning, he woke up an hour earlier than usual, very chatty, then went back to sleep and woke up 45 minutes later. I made him cinnamon toast, which he was in the middle of eating when he just laid down on the floor and konked out.

When he awoke a couple of hours later, he was still pretty listless.

He hadn't eaten any breakfast, and later asked to go to Sonic to get a vanilla shake. He said, "We won't get out. Just bring it home." Because he didn't feel like getting dressed.

Waiting for the shake.
He came home and sat at the table for a few minutes, but didn't really eat the fries he'd requested.

He quickly went back to lie down and chill.

Basically, this has been our day. I thought this might happen, because D became extremely ill for two weeks after getting this particular immunization. Until yesterday, he showed no signs of sickness, which was a relief; D's was instant and lasted a week before a rash broke out torso-wide for the next painful and miserable week.

We were supposed to meet a new friend today, but will get together later in the week. I'm trusting he'll be 100% by tomorrow.

In other news, I am on pins and needles waiting for the tax appraisals to go out for this year. We had been paying extra on our mortgage, trying to knock it out earlier, but are stopping that because, honestly, we're not going to live here in 20 years. When the kids move out, we will sell; it's too much house and land. And it seems likely that extra we were paying will be necessary for tax stuff eventually, anyway. There are so many houses going up in this neighborhood, and they're all priced a lot higher than I would have believed; it's almost like Austin, but a few years ago.

We've had the pigeons now for six weeks... well, we've had two of them for six weeks. After we'd had them three weeks, I let a couple of them out to explore, and they did. Sigh. D's handled it extremely well, and we're getting to "squeakers" from the same gentleman who gave us the first four birds. The two that stayed here (I opened the flight deck for them all, but they weren't interested) are Riddick and Cinnamon. Here's hoping those dudes are friendly enough to the youngsters.

And then there were two.
The birds we're getting are so young that we won't know the sex until later. They just left the nest last week and should be weaned some time later this week. Squee! And no flying for them. I've learned a lot since the unfortunate incident, and have a better plan for letting our feathered friends soar... it's just going to take a while. Like maybe the better part of a year.

That's it for now. Thanks for tuning in! Chat again soon!

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