Friday, January 24, 2020

Welp, That Sucked

Aaand, I think we're back.

We were all on the mend, but then last weekend, I CRASHED hard. I was nauseated, fatigued, and just felt "not right." I mean, it was worse than when I was actually sick.

Mal and I made it to church Sunday, but I had to cradle my head, and when I walked, I felt like my legs were melting out from under me. I was dizzy and exhausted, even though I'd "slept" almost 12 hours. I was sleeping most of the time, actually. I stumbled in the house after church, fell into bed, and slept all day. Mal took a little nap with me. Then we went to bed at like 8. And I never felt rested. Just gross and off and wrong and like I was going to die.

A little research and I think I figured it out: Steroid withdrawal. I was only on them for 5 days, which isn't supposed to require "tapering." But I think my body just stopped producing cortisol, and it took three good days for it to get back up and running. NEVER AGAIN.

So that's two things I'll never do again: 1) Flu "swab"/stab. 2) Oral steroids.

I've had a steroid shot before when I couldn't kick an asthma attack; that's still on the table. But, man, it was NOT worth it to take the pills. Big "no" on that. Do not recommend.

We've spent the week easing back into life. It's weird to have "lost" so much time. I don't like it. Plus, it was really overcast and the air pressure felt too high, though that might have just been a residual headache from the meds.

I think we're back to 100%. I hope so. I rarely get sick, and this was not a nice, quiet way to while away a quarter of a month.

Now I'm trying to get our taxes done so we can pay off our solar panels. The life of a home-owner is super glamorous (read: expensive).

The houses on both corners around us are almost complete, and I'm looking forward to it being quiet around here again. Also looking forward to the tax assessment this year, because so many vacant lots have sold in the past 12 months, we'll have a much easier case arguing that our lots are worth about 3/5 the amount the county has assessed the past two years.

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