Monday, March 16, 2020

Social Distancing, Day 1

Yestereve, my husband did take our younger child to the shopping emporium where he might indulge in playtime activities with other youths. It would appear that this should be the last time in at least a fortnight that the youngster should have such an opportunity, as the leaders of our municipalities, yay, even our country itself, have mandated that the populace should go into quarantine to slow the further spread of this novel coronavirus, SARS CoV-2, or Covid-19.

We shall therefore attempt to remain isolated, an effort aided by the fact that places of hospitality and respite have altered operations to provide sustenance for their clientele, but insist that it be consumed off-premises. Additionally, many amusements have been temporarily shuttered. It is my firm belief that all public pastimes, including the cinema, which has been greatly reduced in capacity, shall soon be entirely off-limits as we wait for this plague to run its course.

This day has been spent in domestic pursuits, including baking pastries for the morrow's St. Patrick's holiday; electronic gaming; fresh air disport; board games; and familial joviality. What will the spring bring? How long will this lack of social interaction endure? I shall, of course, update you as the situation progresses. I remain,

Ever Yours

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you and your family are enjoying each other's company. looks like you're keeping them amply provided with good things to eat.


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