Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Second Chances on Used Clothes

I decided to give Poshmark another chance. This time, I needed jeans. I mean needed. One of our stupid cats (the stupidest) had managed to snag a hole in my old jeans, which means it's just a matter of time until an unsightly run would start and... oh, what? I could just darn the hole? No. Because these were actually Pajama Jeans, and once they're compromised, it's all over.

Anyhoo. Jeans.

I had a strategy this time: I'd sort by cheapest first. Doing this, I purchased 2 pair of jeans at about $7 each, plus the $7ish shipping; so they were each around $15. That didn't seem too awful for a pair of gently used jeans that I kept from going into a landfill. Also, they weren't jeggings. They were jeans. I mean, they are jeans. I bought them in the past, but they still exist. Forgive my grammar.

Cut to today. Nope. Cut back to when the jeans arrived in the mail.

I took them out of the packaging to make sure I'd gotten what I ordered, and that they were in good shape. They were, so I put them in the closet. I kind of held them up to me, but they looked kind of small. They were in the size I think I wear, but Pajama Jeans only come in letter sizes and I don't trust the Woman Within sizes, as most of their stuff is super flowy and I'm on the small size of their "double-sized" sizes. That was a lot of the use of the word "size," but our lawn guy is weed-whacking and the washing machine is running and I can barely think, much less write.


I think I was nervous. What if I don't wear the size I think I wear? What if I've gained so much weight, I've moved up in sizes? That's not actually a problem (though it's likely something I should have sussed out before I purchased new trousers), but would be a thing I'd have to process. I've worn a size up before. I've worn a couple of sizes up.

And I left the jeans in the closet for a good week.

Last night, Mal and I went up to visit my parents and to spend the night. James is working from home right now (all of his company is #covid19) and started some training today, so I'm trying to keep Mal occupied for the next few days. We happened to get home right as James was finishing up a lab this evening.

When packing our overnight stuff, I decided to take one pair of those new jeans. Without trying them on. I figured that if they didn't fit... I'd just feel stupid and wear what I'd worn down there.

Guess what? They fit fine. They looked cute and were comfortable. And now it's too hot to wear jeans anymore. Hope they fit next season!

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