Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Best Day Ever

(Any Spongebob fans singing that title to themselves? *virtual high five* -- It's the only safe way to do it, anyway, coughy.)

There was a span of a few weeks where Mal's constant refrain was, "I want to meet up with someone!" I hadn't really thought about it much, but if that had continued, it might have been very trying to keep him home and away from people for the weeks and likely months that we're going to have to do this.

But it didn't prevail. In fact, Malcolm has said, more than he's ever said in his life, "This is the best day ever!" It started the day we had to hole up in his room, then a couple of times after that. Tonight, he was sitting in front of the window waiting for his dad to get back from the gas station with dummies and remarked, "I love my life!"

That kid (feral as he is) is thriving under social distancing. He LOVES to be home (read the previous entry on our bluebonnets road trip). He LOVES that he has a near-constant audience with either James or me, as James is home taking breaks during the day and not commuting at night. (I actually love that, too!)

He's playing with his Mario toys, and his Sonic toys. He's running all over the front yard. He's making up games. He's playing his Switch and watching videos. This morning, the Sonic movie came out and he watched that before he even got out of bed. (Yay, an extra hour of sleep for me... except that he kept turning on the Prime X-Ray to ask me to read the names of actors.) He's mostly wearing just underwear, and I might forget to brush his hair every other day.

In the words of Sonic the Hedgehog, he's "living [his] best life on Earth."

And today he flew a kite himself for the first time!

Here are some pictures of Mal's play during social distancing. He's not complaining.

1 comment:

  1. The rainbow in the spraying water is beautiful. The fact that Malcolm loves his life is wonderful. The photos are super!


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